You probably read the title and are now thinking "no wonder this is so strange, the guy has a mental disorder."
That's just fine with me, I love it when I get judged, because then I have the chance to make people question everything they ever thought about me. You should know however, that it's believed that everyone has some amount of OCD in them, some more than others. I have slightly more than the normal person, I believe. (Or maybe I just let my OCD run rampant where others control it.)
Whichever the truth may be, it doesn't change the fact that some things bother me. Some of these things are more reasonable, such as my desire that when I turn off the lights the switch should point down. This really gets on my nerves because the person who did the wiring in the house I currently reside in put the light-switch in my room upside down. It drives me insane. I also like square objects to be lined up. I stack my textbooks bottom to top in order of decreasing cover area. However, one of the many entities that causes me consternation is not even tangible. The internet, or, more specifically, Facebook.
You know how Facebook has the right side bar that has ads in it?
Well, on the home page, it has a list of "tasks" (more or less) that the user is supposed to complete. Things like poke-backs, and friend-finder, and events. I see all those, and most of them bother me, because I find them counterproductive. However, I hate seeing them there, so I do my best to get rid of them.
Well, one day, this happened:
Perhaps you missed what I was getting at, it's a little more obvious in this one:
You cannot know how satisfied I felt to see this. It was like going to bed knowing that I actually did ALL of my homework for the next day of school.
However, a few minutes later I had a CAPTCHA with a left parenthesis and the Greek character alpha in it, so that kinda ticked me off. It's like flipping the switch down and the light turns on.