Thursday, July 14, 2011

Those morons think they're helping

8.5 inches :{

You read that on Facebook, then immediately wonder "what [possible string of profanity] is she talking about?"
If you're a perverted guy you have an immediate thought, but soon realize that it must be wrong.

It happens to be "in support of breast cancer awareness."

I cannot fathom how this helps support breast cancer awareness, or even how it would make the world a better place.

The popular ones aren't much better; you find things related to "boobies" and the color pink.
You know what I'm talking about, so it would be redundant of me to give some examples. However, good writing practice dictates that the author gives examples, so here are examples: The pink "I [heart] boobies" bracelets, turn Facebook pink for a week, and millions of Facebook statuses.

It's not a bad thing to spread awareness, I even try to educate the mass of ignorant people about many things (although I would rank my advocated statements as more important and more noteworthy) such as researching candidates before you vote and knowing how your car works before you drive it.

But the way people go about spreading the word of breast cancer, it's moronic.
If you knew nothing of science (hopefully this is not you, if it is, I suggest you make some lifestyle changes immediately. Stop reading this funny garbage and go read about something you're curious about. NOW!) then you'd be given the impression that breast cancer is something that happens to girls with large breasts, and you can ward it off by wearing pink.

That sounds like something from the dark ages, does it not?

Breast cancer, in simplest terms, is an uncontrolled cellular growth in the breast tissue. This means the cells (those are what you're made of) on your chest are reproducing wrong. Guess what else: males do have breast tissue, which means they can get breast cancer (although it is less common).

So, why on earth are people saying and buying what they are in the name of breast cancer?

I have no idea. To me it looks like people supporting a good cause by doing something stupid.

It's on the same field as this invented scenario: I'm going to buy and recycle a bunch of green construction paper to show that I'm green. At least the people "going green" are actually using scientific facts and common sense about most of what they do. (I don't count extremists who burn factories and farms and chain themselves to trees as going green, I consider them mentally handicapped and just as bad as someone who would dump their old oil into a river)

So, if you plan on spreading awareness for something, do your research first, and actually inform your audience, don't start something moronic to stain the name of a good cause.


  1. Your just a hater who doesn't support breast cancer awareness, I hope you die in a hole for your hate of people who get sick.

  2. I AGREE! (as you know)
    I once went into a store at the mall with my friend and she went into Spencers and asked if they had those stupid "I ♥ Boobies" bracelets. The woman at the counter turned very cold and asked "Do you even know what those are for?" and my friend said "They support breast cancer right?" And she said "Yeah, and my mother has breast cancer as well as my grandmother. Now they are practically making fun of it!" She was FUMING! I agree. It's serious and I feel that people don't give it the respect it deserves or the reverence that any illness does deserve.
