Now and then something entertaining to hear about happens to one of my friends instead of me. (Shocking, isn't it?)
Note that names may not match up with genders, however, this is intentional, as I have assigned nicknames to keep the people I know safe from harm (Rebecca in particular needs it badly). Also, there is a story behind each nickname.
REBECCA: CamCam, grab the wheel.
CAMCAM: What, whoa, okay
[Rebecca picks up his phone and starts searching for something]
CAMCAM: Uh, are you going to be done soon?
REBECCA: Almost. (pause) Oh dang, I just got a text.
[A few agonizing seconds pass as I watch the double-yellow line drift away from the car and back]
CAMCAM: Here, take the wheel back.
[Rebecca's fat hand still on the wheel drags it down and the car lurches to the left]
[Car's path straightens]
REBECCA: CamCam, what was that for?
CAMCAM: I gave you the wheel and your hand pulled it down and we turned I guess.
Driving with Rebecca is always an adventure. One time Rebecca had his girlfriend shift gears for him because his arm was tired. The most important thing while driving is to have a good song playing over the sound system (the only investment he put into his car). This gets really interesting when he's driving through road construction and he doesn't like the song playing. However, despite the fact that now and then I fear for my life, it's actually kinda entertaining to ride with him.
One time he decided that it would be a good idea to drive in the potholes on the side of the road instead of in the street. I probably would have been fine with that decision had I not been sitting in the backseat with five other people piled around me. I had to endure those potholes another four times that day.
Even listening to him drive is entertaining. If you've ever played a real time strategy game (RTS) such as Warcraft III, Starcraft, or Age of Empires, then you know that eventually you'll get bored and click on the units until they say something funny. Riding in a car that Rebecca is driving is like clicking on one of those units to see what they say. There are the phrases that are repeated frequently (rebecca makes a squealish noise) and then a few things that take some time to hear. It's entertaining to watch him drive, he reminds me of the SC2 Thor.
One time he decided that it would be a good idea to drive in the potholes on the side of the road instead of in the street. I probably would have been fine with that decision had I not been sitting in the backseat with five other people piled around me. I had to endure those potholes another four times that day.
Even listening to him drive is entertaining. If you've ever played a real time strategy game (RTS) such as Warcraft III, Starcraft, or Age of Empires, then you know that eventually you'll get bored and click on the units until they say something funny. Riding in a car that Rebecca is driving is like clicking on one of those units to see what they say. There are the phrases that are repeated frequently (rebecca makes a squealish noise) and then a few things that take some time to hear. It's entertaining to watch him drive, he reminds me of the SC2 Thor.
-Particle Lemon
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